I have more than 15 years of experience first from Maersk where my HR toolbox was founded anddeveloped, and where I started as an HR Assistant and ended as a Team leader, then fromFORCE Technology as Head of HR, and from a number of companies where I have worked as anexternal HR Consultant. My experience includes everything from operations and recruitment overprojects to leadership and strategy, and I have had my hands on practically all tasks, so there arefew tasks that I have not met before – just as my experiences with processes and systems is broadranged.
To work as an external consultant where the place of work, tasks, scope, colleagues, leadership,processes, culture etc. change on a regular basis was something I wanted to try – for a while. But itturned out that it was right up my alley! The regular change demands that I use my entireexperience, and it makes sure that my tools are sharp and shiny without rust.
It gives me great satisfaction to step in and close a gap and to give a detailed handover when theassignment is completed. On top of that, I get the opportunity to accumulate knowledge of differentbranches and different companies’ cultures, values, processes, priorities, challenges, solutionsetc., and it allows me to work with competent people with whom I can spar, and from whom I canlearn, which sends me on to my next assignment enriched.
Wherever the assignment is, I will be there. This means that my work brings me to all corners ofthe country, and my assignments have brought me to the Greater Copenhagen area, Nakskov,Aalborg, Middelfart, Kolding, Holstebro, Esbjerg, Lund (Sweden) among others.