Idali HR Logo

How can i help

Daily operations and administration

  • Recruitment: I handle parts of or the entire process from the need emerges until the newcolleague is found
  • Documentation:: preparations of employment agreements, addenda, letters of terminationetc.
  • Data: Updating of employee data in the HR system, extracting data

Processes and projects in HR

  • Projects: as e.g. establishing or updating employee handbook, policies, staff developmentdiscussion concept (MUS), workplace assessment (APV) – anything you need
  • Processes: facilitation of workshop or individual meetings to map and optimise HRprocesses and processes affecting several functions, and preparation of processdescriptions and work instructions

Leadership and sparring

  • Leadership: As interim leader in HR, I ensure continued leadership for your colleagues
  • Sparring and advice: As your interim HR Business Partner or external advisor, I am asparring partner for your leaders in HR matters such as talent attraction and retention,employee and leadership development, succession planning, change and transitionmanagement, employer branding and much more
  • From strategy to execution: I am your facilitator and sparring partner in defining strategyand in translating it into action